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System Dashboard Pro for MacOS

System Dashboard Pro for MacOS 

Version 1.10.5 (NULLED)

The System Dashboard Pro is a modern reinterpretation of the System Dashboard and offers more information than ever. The app has been completely redeveloped and optimized for the latest systems.


System Dashboard Pro offers the following features:


• General System Information

Get an overview of the most important parameters of your system. This includes, for example, the macOS version used or details about your computer.


• Processor Usage

The processor panel shows important details about processor usage. The current load is displayed as well as that of the last few seconds. A list of processes that have the highest processor utilization is also displayed.


• Memory Usage

The Memory panel shows data related to memory. The current load is displayed as well as that of the last few seconds. A list of processes using the most memory is also displayed.


• Network Information

Basic network information such as the local and external IP address or the transfer rate of the WLAN connection is displayed on this panel.


• Network Usage

The network category shows the current download and upload speed and the number of open connections.


• Internal Battery

This panel is available if the app is running on a MacBook and displays basic battery parameters. Among others information, it displays the number of charging cycles and the health of the battery.


• Temperature Sensors

See the values of the temperature sensors in your computer (in order to see this information, you have to download an additional free plugin).


• Hard Disk

The computer's hard drive can be kept under control with this panel. It shows how much space is used and how much is free. The current speed is also displayed.


• External Drives

SD cards and USB sticks are displayed here. The devices can also be ejected - either individually or all at once.

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Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici


I am not a tech support or a script consultant! I am a network engineer and system administrator! In my free time I crack software and publish it on this site!

If you need help installing any software from this site or any other - write to @Guy Fawkes - we will agree for a modest reward!

If you want the same site - the price is 100 euros, including hosting for 1 year! (you will publish the content yourself), I will only install and configure everything. I will also help with payment systems for Europe!




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