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  2. View File П. Бутузова | Большая кулинарная энциклопедия о вкусной и простой еде. Советы, техники и более 200 рецептов (2024) [PDF] П. Бутузова | Большая кулинарная энциклопедия о вкусной и простой еде. Советы, техники и более 200 рецептов (2024) [PDF] Автор: П. Бутузова Издательство: Эксмо Серия: Кулинария. Для начинающих ISBN: 978-5-04-180689-7 Жанр: Кулинария Формат: PDF Качество: Изначально электронное (ebook) Иллюстрации: Цветные Описание: Кулинарный бестселлер! Самые необходимые рецепты с пошаговыми фотографиями. Книга "Большая кулинарная энциклопедия о вкусной и простой еде. Советы, техники и более 200 рецептов, которые помогут стать профессионалом на кухне" - надежный помощник для всех, кто хочет улучшить свои кулинарные навыки. В этом сборнике вы найдете: - более 200 рецептов от закусок до десертов; - теорию кулинарии; - различные техники и полезные советы, которые помогут любому освоиться на кухне. Узнайте, как сократить время приготовления блюд, как использовать специи, как хранить продукты и методы их обработки. Усовершенствуйте свои навыки приготовления блюд, используя рецепты завтраков, основных блюд, супов, соусов, закусок, сладкой и не сладкой выпечки, десертов на любой вкус. Учитесь, вдохновляйтесь, творите. Готовьте с удовольствием! Submitter Guy Fawkes Submitted 09/17/24 Category E-Books RU  
  3. 0 downloads

    П. Бутузова | Большая кулинарная энциклопедия о вкусной и простой еде. Советы, техники и более 200 рецептов (2024) [PDF] Автор: П. Бутузова Издательство: Эксмо Серия: Кулинария. Для начинающих ISBN: 978-5-04-180689-7 Жанр: Кулинария Формат: PDF Качество: Изначально электронное (ebook) Иллюстрации: Цветные Описание: Кулинарный бестселлер! Самые необходимые рецепты с пошаговыми фотографиями. Книга "Большая кулинарная энциклопедия о вкусной и простой еде. Советы, техники и более 200 рецептов, которые помогут стать профессионалом на кухне" - надежный помощник для всех, кто хочет улучшить свои кулинарные навыки. В этом сборнике вы найдете: - более 200 рецептов от закусок до десертов; - теорию кулинарии; - различные техники и полезные советы, которые помогут любому освоиться на кухне. Узнайте, как сократить время приготовления блюд, как использовать специи, как хранить продукты и методы их обработки. Усовершенствуйте свои навыки приготовления блюд, используя рецепты завтраков, основных блюд, супов, соусов, закусок, сладкой и не сладкой выпечки, десертов на любой вкус. Учитесь, вдохновляйтесь, творите. Готовьте с удовольствием!
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  6. Enter any data to the license key field see 3 screenshot: 123123123123 module worked!
  7. why it asking for license key, i buy this module and it not working, please make it working or refund my money
  8. Earlier
  9. license dont need. any data in "License Key" see 3 screenshot
  10. Hi, I have purchased the module where I get the license. Thanks
  11. Multibrand For WHMCS View File Multibrand For WHMCS - features Multibrand For WHMCS is a revolutionary module that will allow you to manage multiple brands on multiple websites while using just a single WHMCS installation! With its help you will be able to centralize the management of your clients using different brands. Our module lets you modify your brands within a few seconds and preview the changes on the fly. It enables your customers to log into personalized client areas in accordance with the brand under which they purchased a product or service. The module permits to assign your clients to and migrate them between brands with just two clicks. You will be also able to assign products and ticket departments to each brand, as well as adjust the configuration of PayPal and 2CheckOut. What is more, the module will let you view and manage detailed reports of your brands activity. As you can see, Multibrand For WHMCS can help you bring to your business a lot of positive changes and jump at the new opportunities. It is about the time to cut down the redundant costs. Purchase the module today to offer your amazing products and services through brands managed directly from a single WHMCS installation! PHP Version: 5.6-7.0 and 7.1-7.2 Submitter Guy Fawkes Submitted 09/09/24 Category WHMCS  
  12. Version v2.2.1 Nulled


    Multibrand For WHMCS - features Multibrand For WHMCS is a revolutionary module that will allow you to manage multiple brands on multiple websites while using just a single WHMCS installation! With its help you will be able to centralize the management of your clients using different brands. Our module lets you modify your brands within a few seconds and preview the changes on the fly. It enables your customers to log into personalized client areas in accordance with the brand under which they purchased a product or service. The module permits to assign your clients to and migrate them between brands with just two clicks. You will be also able to assign products and ticket departments to each brand, as well as adjust the configuration of PayPal and 2CheckOut. What is more, the module will let you view and manage detailed reports of your brands activity. As you can see, Multibrand For WHMCS can help you bring to your business a lot of positive changes and jump at the new opportunities. It is about the time to cut down the redundant costs. Purchase the module today to offer your amazing products and services through brands managed directly from a single WHMCS installation! PHP Version: 5.6-7.0 and 7.1-7.2
  13. View File NFTBOX - NFT Marketplace Script NFTBOX is the complete Script using Metamask, Web3 and Polygon Matic network for your Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Marketplace Business. Capable of minting NFTs over the blockchain whilst allowing consumers to Buy, Sell and Transfer their NFTs on the marketplace freely with indisputable proof of ownership and authenticity achieved using ERC-721 standard smart contracts. Additionally, NFTBOX also incorporates all the necessary features needed for a present-day NFT marketplace such as a bidding system, and NFT collections as well as granting creators the option to sell and trade their digital works in various forms such as images, GIFs, video, and audio. Demo links : Website demo : https://newnftbox.bdtask-demo.com/demo-v1.4.1/ Super admin : https://newnftbox.bdtask-demo.com/demo-v1.4.1/admin Key Features of NFTBOX The Admin Panel dashboard is a hub where admins can effortlessly get information about: Total active users in the marketplace. Total NFTs minted in the marketplace. Total NFTs listed for sale. Total NFTs bought and sold in the marketplace. Total inactive users in the marketplace. Summary report of the total NFTs sold sorted by month and year in a graphical form. Summary report of the total NFTs sold, total NFTs listed for sell and total NFTs minted all filterable by year in graphical view. Admin can add sub-admins to manage the marketplace software and also get information such as the last login and logout times along with the active and inactive statuses of all administrators. Admins can view all marketplace users information and can check on their activities. Through the admin panel, admins can view and manage the list of all NFTs minted on the marketplace as well as see their details, information such as NFT name, token ID, owner ID, owner name, NFT owner wallet address as well as the status of the NFT, etc. Admin wallet can be setup from the admin panel with ease. Admins can deploy their marketplace smart contract with ease directly from the admin panel. From the admin panel, admins can set the network information for the marketplace such as the network name, Chain ID, symbol, and RPC. In this system, you can edit the website’s About, Contact, Terms, Privacy policy, F.A.Q and Social links section from the Content Manager System section present in the Admin panel. Modules Dashboard Admin Users Metamask Connected Polygon Matic Network used Add Admin Users Users NFT List NFT Categories NFT Collections NFT Setup Smart Contract Deploy Content Manager App Settings Fees Setting Selling Type Setting Transfer Option Setting Email Gateway Setting Email Template Setting Technologies Used HTML CSS Language PHP-CodeIgniter Framework JavaScript AJAX MySQL Solidity Server requirements Apache or IIS or Nginx PHP version 7.4.X (ie. recommended: Any PHP version 7.4.X )&.4 is stable PHP version to use this application. MySQL version 5.0 or greater (recommended: MySQL 5.5 or greater) We recommend DigitalOcean for hosting or any linux server, where you can install node js and PHP. If you need Installation or hosting for this script, please send private message to @Guy Fawkes Installation 10 Euro Hosting start from 5 Euro Submitter Guy Fawkes Submitted 09/07/24 Category Scripts  
  14. Version v1.4.6


    NFTBOX is the complete Script using Metamask, Web3 and Polygon Matic network for your Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Marketplace Business. Capable of minting NFTs over the blockchain whilst allowing consumers to Buy, Sell and Transfer their NFTs on the marketplace freely with indisputable proof of ownership and authenticity achieved using ERC-721 standard smart contracts. Additionally, NFTBOX also incorporates all the necessary features needed for a present-day NFT marketplace such as a bidding system, and NFT collections as well as granting creators the option to sell and trade their digital works in various forms such as images, GIFs, video, and audio. Demo links : Website demo : https://newnftbox.bdtask-demo.com/demo-v1.4.1/ Super admin : https://newnftbox.bdtask-demo.com/demo-v1.4.1/admin Key Features of NFTBOX The Admin Panel dashboard is a hub where admins can effortlessly get information about: Total active users in the marketplace. Total NFTs minted in the marketplace. Total NFTs listed for sale. Total NFTs bought and sold in the marketplace. Total inactive users in the marketplace. Summary report of the total NFTs sold sorted by month and year in a graphical form. Summary report of the total NFTs sold, total NFTs listed for sell and total NFTs minted all filterable by year in graphical view. Admin can add sub-admins to manage the marketplace software and also get information such as the last login and logout times along with the active and inactive statuses of all administrators. Admins can view all marketplace users information and can check on their activities. Through the admin panel, admins can view and manage the list of all NFTs minted on the marketplace as well as see their details, information such as NFT name, token ID, owner ID, owner name, NFT owner wallet address as well as the status of the NFT, etc. Admin wallet can be setup from the admin panel with ease. Admins can deploy their marketplace smart contract with ease directly from the admin panel. From the admin panel, admins can set the network information for the marketplace such as the network name, Chain ID, symbol, and RPC. In this system, you can edit the website’s About, Contact, Terms, Privacy policy, F.A.Q and Social links section from the Content Manager System section present in the Admin panel. Modules Dashboard Admin Users Metamask Connected Polygon Matic Network used Add Admin Users Users NFT List NFT Categories NFT Collections NFT Setup Smart Contract Deploy Content Manager App Settings Fees Setting Selling Type Setting Transfer Option Setting Email Gateway Setting Email Template Setting Technologies Used HTML CSS Language PHP-CodeIgniter Framework JavaScript AJAX MySQL Solidity Server requirements Apache or IIS or Nginx PHP version 7.4.X (ie. recommended: Any PHP version 7.4.X )&.4 is stable PHP version to use this application. MySQL version 5.0 or greater (recommended: MySQL 5.5 or greater) We recommend DigitalOcean for hosting or any linux server, where you can install node js and PHP. If you need Installation or hosting for this script, please send private message to @Guy Fawkes Installation 10 Euro Hosting start from 5 Euro
  15. I want know is that with addons and nulled version i really need it?
  16. View File Journal | Woodworker's Journal №4 (2022) [PDF][En] Publisher: Rockler Press Inc ISSN: 0199-1892 Genre: Carpentry Language: English Format: PDF Quality: Originally electronic (ebook) Illustrations: Color Description: Woodworker's Journal — a magazine on carpentry presents new ideas for creativity for all woodworkers, reviews of woodworking equipment and workshop equipment, projects for making various furniture, crafts, garden gazebos and other small architectural structures from wood, which are provided with step-by-step instructions, photographs and drawings that practically do not require knowledge of English Submitter FastSell Submitted 09/03/24 Category Woodworkers Journal  
  17. 0 downloads

    Publisher: Rockler Press Inc ISSN: 0199-1892 Genre: Carpentry Language: English Format: PDF Quality: Originally electronic (ebook) Illustrations: Color Description: Woodworker's Journal — a magazine on carpentry presents new ideas for creativity for all woodworkers, reviews of woodworking equipment and workshop equipment, projects for making various furniture, crafts, garden gazebos and other small architectural structures from wood, which are provided with step-by-step instructions, photographs and drawings that practically do not require knowledge of English
    1.00 EUR
  18. View File Journal | Woodworker's Journal №1 (2022) [PDF] [En] Publisher: Rockler Press Inc ISSN: 0199-1892 Genre: Carpentry Language: English Format: PDF Quality: Originally electronic (ebook) Illustrations: Color Description: Woodworker's Journal — a magazine on carpentry presents new ideas for creativity for all woodworkers, reviews of woodworking equipment and workshop equipment, projects for making various furniture, crafts, garden gazebos and other small architectural structures from wood, which are provided with step-by-step instructions, photographs and drawings that practically do not require knowledge of English Submitter FastSell Submitted 09/02/24 Category Woodworkers Journal  
  19. 0 downloads

    Publisher: Rockler Press Inc ISSN: 0199-1892 Genre: Carpentry Language: English Format: PDF Quality: Originally electronic (ebook) Illustrations: Color Description: Woodworker's Journal — a magazine on carpentry presents new ideas for creativity for all woodworkers, reviews of woodworking equipment and workshop equipment, projects for making various furniture, crafts, garden gazebos and other small architectural structures from wood, which are provided with step-by-step instructions, photographs and drawings that practically do not require knowledge of English
    1.00 EUR
  20. View File Journal | Woodworker's Journal №4 (2023) [PDF][En] Publisher: Rockler Press Inc ISSN: 0199-1892 Genre: Carpentry Language: English Format: PDF Quality: Originally electronic (ebook) Illustrations: Color Description: Woodworker's Journal — a magazine on carpentry presents new ideas for creativity for all woodworkers, reviews of woodworking equipment and workshop equipment, projects for making various furniture, crafts, garden gazebos and other small architectural structures from wood, which are provided with step-by-step instructions, photographs and drawings that practically do not require knowledge of English Submitter FastSell Submitted 09/02/24 Category Woodworkers Journal  
  21. 0 downloads

    Publisher: Rockler Press Inc ISSN: 0199-1892 Genre: Carpentry Language: English Format: PDF Quality: Originally electronic (ebook) Illustrations: Color Description: Woodworker's Journal — a magazine on carpentry presents new ideas for creativity for all woodworkers, reviews of woodworking equipment and workshop equipment, projects for making various furniture, crafts, garden gazebos and other small architectural structures from wood, which are provided with step-by-step instructions, photographs and drawings that practically do not require knowledge of English
    1.00 EUR
  22. View File Journal | Woodworker's Journal №6 (2023) [PDF][En] Publisher: Rockler Press Inc ISSN: 0199-1892 Genre: Carpentry Language: English Format: PDF Quality: Originally electronic (ebook) Illustrations: Color Description: Woodworker's Journal — a magazine on carpentry presents new ideas for creativity for all woodworkers, reviews of woodworking equipment and workshop equipment, projects for making various furniture, crafts, garden gazebos and other small architectural structures from wood, which are provided with step-by-step instructions, photographs and drawings that practically do not require knowledge of English Submitter FastSell Submitted 09/01/24 Category Woodworkers Journal  
  23. 0 downloads

    Publisher: Rockler Press Inc ISSN: 0199-1892 Genre: Carpentry Language: English Format: PDF Quality: Originally electronic (ebook) Illustrations: Color Description: Woodworker's Journal — a magazine on carpentry presents new ideas for creativity for all woodworkers, reviews of woodworking equipment and workshop equipment, projects for making various furniture, crafts, garden gazebos and other small architectural structures from wood, which are provided with step-by-step instructions, photographs and drawings that practically do not require knowledge of English
    1.00 EUR
  24. Guy Fawkes


    Today, at the request of a user, I made a section with magazines! If you want to add magazines, write me a private message with the names of the sections that need to be created! https://phoenix.lol/index.php?/forum/80-journals-en/
  25. View File Journal | Woodworker's Journal №10 (2023) [PDF][En] Publisher: Rockler Press Inc ISSN: 0199-1892 Genre: Carpentry Language: English Format: PDF Quality: Originally electronic (ebook) Illustrations: Color Description: Woodworker's Journal — a magazine on carpentry presents new ideas for creativity for all woodworkers, reviews of woodworking equipment and workshop equipment, projects for making various furniture, crafts, garden gazebos and other small architectural structures from wood, which are provided with step-by-step instructions, photographs and drawings that practically do not require knowledge of English Submitter FastSell Submitted 09/01/24 Category Woodworkers Journal  
  26. 0 downloads

    Publisher: Rockler Press Inc ISSN: 0199-1892 Genre: Carpentry Language: English Format: PDF Quality: Originally electronic (ebook) Illustrations: Color Description: Woodworker's Journal — a magazine on carpentry presents new ideas for creativity for all woodworkers, reviews of woodworking equipment and workshop equipment, projects for making various furniture, crafts, garden gazebos and other small architectural structures from wood, which are provided with step-by-step instructions, photographs and drawings that practically do not require knowledge of English
    1.00 EUR
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