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AdminPro - Login + Multi User Management + Codeigniter + Roles & Permission + Bootstrap 4 + AdminLTE

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AdminPro - Login + Multi User Management + Codeigniter + Roles & Permission + Bootstrap 4 + AdminLTE

AdminPro is one of best admin panel that you need to start new backend project. It has all the main features that are required to get started. Admin Panel comes with the documentation which helps you to get started easily. Complete Script is customizable and commented. Code is very handy & easy to read and many important functions/helpers are already included with code. It has Secured Login which has both client side (using js) & server side (using php) validation along with integration of google re-captcha. User Management is the one of basic requirement that every admin panel needs, which is already included along with roles & permissions system. Hence, You have ability to create unlimited users, roles & permissions right out of box. Interface is very easy to use and handy. AdminPro uses AdminLTE with a little bit modified design. Yet, it supports old theme and all the components & plugins that it already has like DataTables, Pace, select2, etc.

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