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Bicrypto Mobile - Mobile App for Bicrypto 3.2.1 ×
Bicrypto v4.5.6 + All Plugins ×

About This File

Hello everyone,

For first install you need download the original files of WHMCS
Join to this link: https://releases.whmcs.com/v2/pkgs/whmcs-8.4.1-release.1.zip (You can change the version).

Make a fresh install and when you finish, will appears that the license is invalid.
For this, we need install the license.php nulled.

You can download on this file:


Now we need to put this file on
whmcsdirectory/vendor/whmcs/whmcs-foundation/lib and replace.
Go to your admin area and license validated

this license.php permits autoupdate whmcs but you need to replace license.php again

What's New in Version 04/23/24 07:35 PM   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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