Nishue - CryptoCurrency Buy Sell Exchange and Lending with MLM System | Crypto Investment Platform v5.0
Nishue is a robust cryptocurrency investment program software that integrates various features such as Stake, Investment packages, B2X Loans, Merchant systems, and multi-level marketing (MLM). Each user level receives commissions from their lower levels, enhancing the multi-level marketing experience.
Key Features:
Stake: Users can stake their cryptocurrency to earn rewards.
Investment Packages: Various packages for cryptocurrency investments.
B2X Loan System: Loans provided to customers holding BTC, secured by their BTC.
Merchant System: Enables merchants to collect payments efficiently.
Multi-Level Marketing (MLM): Each user level earns commissions from their lower levels.
Additional Features :
Crypto Currency Buy & Sell: Facilitate buying and selling of cryptocurrencies.
Crypto Currency Exchange: Exchange different cryptocurrencies.
Quick Exchange System: Speedy exchange processes.
Customer KYC Verification System: Verify customer identities through KYC processes.
Coin-Based MLM: MLM system based on cryptocurrency.
Coin-Based Affiliate: Affiliate system using cryptocurrency.
Level-Wise Commission: Commission distribution based on user levels.
Coin Deposit: Enable coin deposits.
Coin Withdraw: Facilitate coin withdrawals.
Money Transfer: Transfer money between accounts.
Coin Based Affiliate
Coin Deposite
Coin Withdraw
Money Transfer
Coin Package
Coin Lending
Buy sell Notification
SMS Notification
Email Notification
Coin Exchange
Coin Buy Sell
Bitcoin Payment
Multi Language
Team Bonus
Level Wise Award
Money Credit System
Exchange wallet
Your Local Currency Symbol
Daily, Weekly Monthly ROI
React based Responsive Website
Crypto Depth analysis
Customer support panel