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XT Exchange Provider For Bicrypto Trading Platform

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XT Exchange Provider For Bicrypto Trading Platform

NOTE: Only one provider is to be used at a time, u cant use 2 providers at the same time for now until arbitrage is released

This is an add-on to the Bicrypto platform to extend its functionality

it allows admins to connect the Bicrypto platform to XT to enable automated deposits and withdrawals and placements of orders on XT on the backend while the client sees his orders getting executed on the Bicrypto frontend

admin will be able to make a profit from deposits, withdrawals, and trades of all kinds without having any liquidity as the system is made to enable the clients to fully use the functionality with admin having as simple as 1$ in XT liquidity.

The Bicrypto platform and all the other products are on: https://phoenix.lol/index.php?/files/category/34-bicrypto/

Requirements to use: - Create an account on XT - create API - get the API, secret and allow trade, deposit, and withdrawal permissions and whitelist your vps ip - make sure your VPS country is allowed by XT as they don’t allow API access to all countries

and then use those details in our platform to enjoy a top-end exchange platform without any hassle.

Security Notes:

  • After support inquiries that requires debugging any internal issues in your VPS, you always have to secure and change your credentials for security and never share them with any thirdparty


Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici


I am not a tech support or a script consultant! I am a network engineer and system administrator! In my free time I crack software and publish it on this site!

If you need help installing any software from this site or any other - write to @Guy Fawkes - we will agree for a modest reward!

If you want the same site - the price is 100 euros, including hosting for 1 year! (you will publish the content yourself), I will only install and configure everything. I will also help with payment systems for Europe!




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